
Learning Development
By Christopher Reynolds
ISBN: 978-0-6489715-4-2
Number of Pages: 89
Published: January, 2022
Learning Development is a series of articles by Dr. Christopher Reynolds on a variety of topics directly related to learning development. Reynolds first presents four principles to his philosophy of learning and then discusses how the brain functions in the learning process.
The human brain naturally learns, says Reynolds. A child’s brain can’t help but learn. It is in learning – a physical, emotional and mental phenomenon, that a child develops. Not only does a child want, and need, to learn, but when a child learns something new, an endorphin – a pleasure chemical, is released that says ‘that was fun, lets learn some more’. Where learning is fun, a child continues to learn.
Apart from the context and opportunities for learning, there can by difficulties, or dysfunctions, in the processing of information through the body’s sensory and neurological processing systems. These ‘difficulties’ cause impairments to detecting, interpreting and the integration of information and hinder the learning process. These issues which can be addressed.
This collection of articles explains how children learn, the nature of learning difficulties, the difference between the male and female brain and why boys and girls learn differently, and, gives insight into how to encourage the learning process. Reynolds goes on to discuss intelligence, – what it is and how to enhance it. The articles arise from a two year research study of the neuro-physiological development of children.
Whether a child is an average learner, has difficulty learning, or is a quick and gifted learner, understanding the learning process, says Reynolds, can enhance a child’s development, and a child’s enjoyment of learning.
Language – English
Publisher – Reynold Learning
Country of Publication – Australia
Pages 120
Size – A5